We are:
EUROSOLAR NL, the Dutch section of EUROSOLAR e.V.
EUROSOLAR – European Association for Renewable Energy e. V. is a non-profit organization and independent of political parties, institutions, companies and interest groups. EUROSOLAR develops and stimulates political and economic action plans and concepts for the introduction of renewable energies. This ranges from market introduction strategies to proposals for further research and development policies, from tax policy subsidies to arms conversion with solar energy, from the contribution of solar energy to the Third World to agricultural, transport and construction policies. EUROSOLAR was founded in 1988 by Dr. Hermann Scheer, the head office is in Bonn, Germany. President of EUROSOLAR is Prof. Peter Droege.
Founding Members:


Vincent Dekker
“I am concerned about climate change, and in particular about the effects it will have for my grandchildren and my great grandchildren. But more than being someone who is worried about the future, I am someone who sees opportunities for progress: new energy, better energy. That is for me the most important reason for me to be a founding member of Eurosolar NL.”

Frank Lenzmann
“For me, the energy transition is not only an urgent emergency that arises out of the climate crisis, it is also a unique opportunity- through decentralization of the renewable energy supply – to strengthen civil society (relative to the extraordinary, currently unchecked power of multinationals). EUROSOLAR is an ideal platform from which to pursue this opportunity, especially in cooperation with other actors, such as Energie Samen. I am convinced: with resilient perserverence we can realize these possibilities!”

Arno Smets
“It’s about passing on a livable planet while maintaining her biodiversity for the next generations. Inhabitants of this earth must sustainably use the available resources and fairly share them. Through my on-campus and on-line teaching as well as my research in solar energy, I try to inspire as many people as possible to constructively work – within their means- to contribute to a sustainable future for everyone in this world. For me, the EUROSOLAR platform is a valuable addition within the Netherlands to inform, connect and activate local people, organizations, companies and governments to realize a successful and sustainable energy transition on time.”

Carol Olson
“Our economy is like an accelerating oil tanker that travels with such momentum that it threatens to crash through the limits of our planet. A total transition to decentralized solar and wind energy (as well as other sustainable renewable energy sources) with energy storage is the surest way to steer this oil tanker into safer waters. By taking this route we have the chance to bring CO2 emissions, address inequality, strengthen democracy, defend peace in the geopolitical arena, foster biodiversity and let nature restore itself.”
Our Goals
EUROSOLAR NL, as an independent knowledge and lobby platform, is committed to realizing a sustainable energy system with maximal citizen participation (through decentralized generation). In a sustainable energy system, all non-sustainable forms of energy generation – that is fossil fueled and nuclear based energy- would be replaced by renewable energy, if still needed after energy saving measures have been applied.
A sustainable energy system consists of all sustainable applications of solar, wind, hydro, biomass and geothermal energy. In addition, energy efficiency is important to lower demand. The balancing of supply and demand from intermittent sources requires not only new strategies but also energy storage. The starting point is always a comprehensive view of sustainability, that speaks to the protection of human beings, animals and environment as described in the Brundlandt definition of sustainability (p.39, ¶49) and further elaborated on in the principles of the «doughnut economy».
We strive to achieve these goals by carrying out activities that strengthen and accelerate civil society’s participation, ownership and support for a sustainable energy transition. EUROSOLAR NL shall primarily undertake and encourage activities concerned with communicating new information, educating and interfacing with scientific research related to sustainable energy. Specifically, we aim to, for example, set up expert working groups, publicize documents and information and organize conferences, workshops and events (such as a Sustainable Energy Prize).
Since the goals of EUROSOLAR NL dovetail closely with those of the umbrella organization of energy cooperatives in the Netherlands, Energie Samen, we operate as an independent entity onder the Energie Samen umbrella. EUROSOLAR NL is a link voor technological knowledge, anchored in the research and development world (universities, universities of applied science and research institutes). In this manner, we propose to be an accessible bridge between knowledge institutes and those who apply this knowledge.