A new instrument for measuring aerosols on a long-term basis has recently been installed at...
Climate and Energy News
Importance of the Antarctic Slope Current in the Southern Ocean response to ice sheet melt and wind stress change
A new study shows models diverge in predicting warming or cooling along the West Antarctic...
Real-time vegetation data improves flash drought prediction
Compared to models that use predicted plant growth, models that incorporate satellite measurements of plant...
The NOAA Blue Carbon Inventory Project facilitated a workshop to support mangrove management in Palau
The recent workshop was part of an ongoing partnership focused on building climate resilience and...
New report identifies ways to strengthen engagement and action for tribal drought resilience
A new report captures opportunities that Tribal Nations, Tribal Colleges and Universities, and their partners...
Planbureaus: ‘Kabinet kiest voor brede welvaart hier en nu ten koste van later’
In de uitwerking van plannen van het nieuwe kabinet is beperkt aandacht voor de lange...
Disproportionate impact of atmospheric heat events on lake surface water temperature increases
Nature Climate Change, Published online: 17 September 2024; doi:10.1038/s41558-024-02122-y Lake surface water temperatures have increased...
Rising cause-specific mortality risk and burden of compound heatwaves amid climate change
Nature Climate Change, Published online: 17 September 2024; doi:10.1038/s41558-024-02137-5 The authors analyse data from 272...
Impressie symposium ‘Hoe circulair zijn producten en wat kan beter?’
Tijdens het symposium ‘Hoe circulair zijn producten en wat kan beter’ stonden de inzichten uit...
Acceleration of Drosophila subobscura evolutionary response to global warming in Europe
Nature Climate Change, Published online: 13 September 2024; doi:10.1038/s41558-024-02128-6 The authors resurvey data from the...
Global patterns and drivers of tropical aboveground carbon changes
Nature Climate Change, Published online: 12 September 2024; doi:10.1038/s41558-024-02115-x Tropical aboveground biomass carbon is a...
Fisheries track the future redistribution of marine species
Nature Climate Change, Published online: 12 September 2024; doi:10.1038/s41558-024-02127-7 The authors consider environmental niche models...